TSF Blog

Resources Shannon Decker Resources Shannon Decker

Idaho Harm Reduction Project

Idaho Harm Reduction Project works to serve the drug using community of Idaho, as well as the general public by creating safe communities through evidence based programming, education, needle exchange and appropriate needle disposal.

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News Shannon Decker News Shannon Decker

Working with Miss Idaho USA, Hannah Menzner

The Speedy Foundation is so excited and honored to announce our partnership with Hannah Menzner, the newly crowned Miss Idaho USA. Her deep passion for mental health stemmed from her experience volunteering for a crisis hotline, and she has since founded Project IdaHOPE to teach Idahoans to spot suicide warning signs and risk factors. We look forward to working alongside her as she continues her campaign for suicide awareness, and can’t wait to see the wonderful things she has in store this year!

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Events Shannon Decker Events Shannon Decker

Breakout Session: Idaho Safety and Resilience Conference 2021

Know the Signs is a statewide suicide prevention social marketing campaign built on three key messages: Know the signs. Find the words. Reach out. This campaign is intended to educate community members on recognizing the warning signs of suicide, finding the words to have a direct conversation with someone in crisis, and finding professional help and resources.

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Resources Shannon Decker Resources Shannon Decker

Hope for Idaho - College of Western Idaho

Hope for Idaho is a multi-media storytelling class at the College of Western Idaho. Our goal is to bring hope to the hopeless and hurting, relief and comfort to those who need it, and to save a life by preventing suicide. To this end, we are working, together as a class to create with audio, video, and words both spoken and written the means to achieve this goal.

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Shannon Decker Shannon Decker

Idahoans, Please Use Your Voice to Advocate

The Speedy Foundation is reaching out to implore you to #advocate. We reach out while sitting in yet another Senate Health and Welfare hearing regarding the partial repeal of Medicaid expansion, which ignores the will of the voters and will create an expensive secondary coverage gap.

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News Shannon Decker News Shannon Decker

Idaho Olympian’s struggle with depression is foundation of hope for others

On the snow, Jeret "Speedy" Peterson seemed to have it all. Idaho's Olympic freestyle aerial skier competed in three Olympic Games, winning a silver medal in Vancouver in 2010. He inspired a generation of Olympic hopefuls with his death-defying trick, aptly named "The Hurricane." But off the snow, Speedy's family says he struggled like anyone else and eventually succumbed to his lifelong battle with depression and anxiety in 2011.

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