Our mission is to prevent suicide and elevate mental health awareness. We believe that through education and awareness we can help individuals, organizations, and communities end mental health stigma, spark conversations, and create suicide prevention champions out of EVERYONE.


Join us in becoming a mental health and suicide prevention advocate.


Find resources to give or get help and start more life-saving conversations.


Learn about our mental health and suicide prevention trainings.

What we do & Why

The Speedy Foundation is a non-profit organization named after 3-time Olympian, Jeret "Speedy" Peterson of Boise, ID and Park City, UT. Speedy was a champion for mental health, sharing his own struggles openly, in a time before it was socially acceptable to do so. Speedy died by suicide in 2011. Although the foundation initially focused on helping youth and athletes, it has expanded to help individuals across the lifespan to reach our mission – prevent suicide and elevate mental health.


Our Trainings

We offer several trainings to organizations and communities interested in starting the conversation about mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Our goal is to make sure that everyone is MENTALLY COVERED. Learn more about our trainings and how you can get involved.