TSF Blog
Coffee Talk - Teen MHFA Overview
Join us for Coffee Talk - an informational series to dive into topics of mental health, suicide prevention, and resilience as the world navigates the Covid-19 pandemic.
Community is Key to Suicide Prevention - Idaho Catholic Register
“Although 90 percent of suicides are completed by someone with a mental illness, suicide isn’t always connected to a mental health struggle,” Decker said. Sometimes the causes are situational – bankruptcy, divorce, legal ramifications or job loss.
One source of protection for all people, whether or not they have mental illness, can be a faith community, she said. “The Church could be a protective factor if it is a place that is welcoming and forgiving, where people feel that they belong and have a sense of purpose,” Decker said.
PACEs Connection
PACEs Connection, an ever-growing social network, connects those who are implementing trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on ACEs science.
Number Story
Our ACE history counts experiences of abuse, neglect and household challenges that happened to us as children. But that number does not define us. It is simply an entry point to our own personal story.
ACEs Aware
The ACEs Aware initiative is a first-in-the nation effort to screen patients for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to help improve and save lives.
Let's Get Healthy California
Let’s Get Healthy California provides an ongoing statewide collaborative and systematic approach for assessing and monitoring the health status of California, identifying and prioritizing opportunities for health improvement and promoting collective action towards comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of California’s toughest health challenges.
Paper Tigers
Paper Tigers follows a year in the life of a high school that has radically changed it's approach to disciplining its students, becoming a model for how to break the cycles of poverty, violence and disease that affects families.
Idaho Harm Reduction Project
Idaho Harm Reduction Project works to serve the drug using community of Idaho, as well as the general public by creating safe communities through evidence based programming, education, needle exchange and appropriate needle disposal.
911 Emergency Response
911 is the number to call for life-threatening or property emergencies.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Call, text, or chat 988 for any emotional, mental, or substance use distress. Available 24/7, free, & anonymous.
Community is Key to Suicide Prevention
Understanding why a person kills him or herself seems essential to preventing suicide, but the causes of suicide are as unique as individuals. Misconceptions include that a person chooses suicide out of weakness and selfishness with a well-thought out plan.
Coffee Talk - Hope Squad Overview
Join us for Coffee Talk - an informational series to dive into topics of mental health, suicide prevention, and resilience as the world navigates the Covid-19 pandemic.
Hope for Idaho - College of Western Idaho
Hope for Idaho is a multi-media storytelling class at the College of Western Idaho. Our goal is to bring hope to the hopeless and hurting, relief and comfort to those who need it, and to save a life by preventing suicide. To this end, we are working, together as a class to create with audio, video, and words both spoken and written the means to achieve this goal.
Suicide and Social Media Tipsheet - American Association of Suicideology
AAS is happy to announce the release of Social Media & Suicide Tipsheet. Please share with parents & adults who are concerned by all the recent news about Instagram, Facebook, & YouTube.
NotOK App
Hannah Lucas was inspired to create an app-based “panic button” in the moment she needed one the most: after a suicide attempt during a difficult battle with depression in her freshman year of high school in Atlanta. Within a year, she and her brother Charlie had created the app notOK, which allows users to instantly alert five trusted contacts at the onset of a mental health crisis.