Organizational Training

We are thrilled to offer a diverse range of comprehensive and impactful training programs to support mental health and suicide prevention. Take a look below:

1. Dismantling Stigma: Our upcoming revision within the next 60 days will cover mental health in addition to harm reduction. Get a glimpse of the current version of the training [here](URL_1).

2. Train-the-Trainer Programs: We specialize in developing dynamic and effective train-the-trainer programs tailored to your specific needs.

3. Opioid Overdose Prevention Training: Now available in Spanish, providing wider accessibility and reach.

4. Mental Health First Aid: Join our next session scheduled for 9/7 & 9/8, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Tahoe Forest Peer Support Staff facilitated by Stephen Hicks.

5. Youth Mental Health First Aid: We are aiming to certify 4 bilingual trainers by the end of September, with 3 serving at TTUSD and 1 as a contractor for NV County.

6. Suicide Prevention Trainings: Participate in our specialized trainings such as Know the Signs, QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer), Hope Squad, Counseling on Access to Lethal Means, Safety Planning, Safe Messaging, and postvention training after a suicide loss. Find more information at the respective URLs.

7. Customized Training: "Mentally Covered Training": designed to be tailored according to your specific organizational needs.

8. Crisis Response and Navigation: Engage in our impactful crisis response training programs, including trauma-informed crisis response training for EMTs in Indigenous Communities.

9. Community Resiliency Model (CRM)®: Empower yourself with the skills to effectively respond to traumatic stress, benefiting both yourself and your wider social network.

10. Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM)®: Join this program tailored to teach essential skills to clinicians and professionals, enabling them to aid children and adults with traumatic stress reactions.

11. Strengthening Families Protective Factor Framework: Discover our unique STRONG program designed for parents and professionals, aimed at strengthening families and communities.

12. Brain Architecture Game Workshop: Gain insight into brain development and its impact on behavior and health in this engaging and educational workshop.

13. Coming Soon: "Be Sensitive, Be Brave" Certification in August: a culturally and diversity-infused program focusing on suicide prevention and mental health.

14. Additional Suggestions: We also recommend Psychological First Aid, Safe Spaces, CAMS-care, and Start programs for a holistic approach to mental health and suicide prevention.

Join our vibrant and impactful training programs - become a champion of mental health and suicide prevention!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email